Hi, I'm Augie and this is my first shot at blogging.
A little background on me: I'm 29 years old and just recently un-engaged to a woman that I was with for 7 years, lived together for half of that. In fact, she's moving out this weekend. I haven't lived alone for somewhere around 8 years, so I figure that chances are that I'm going to feel pretty lonely living by myself. In the past, when a relationship ended, I really didn't dedicate myself to stepping back and letting the dust settle so to speak. I used to jump right back into the dating game right away, but not this time. It's time to do a little soul searching and clear my mind a bit...but to do that, I'm going to need something to focus on other than being alone. My decision...P90X, the ball busting workout and nutrition plan that will hopefully help me get back into shape. When I graduated highschool, I weighed a fairly muscular 190 lbs. After college, I was up to 235 lbs but lost 35 lbs of it working out at the Y. Unfortunately, once my former fiance and I moved in together, I wasn't able to make it to the Y as much as I would like...so now I'm back up to 210 lbs and not nearly as toned as I once was.
So I've ordered the P90X program, a yoga mat, and a chin up bar. I still need to pick up a few pairs of dumbells. I'm hoping that everything will be here in a week or so. Then I plan to take a look at the nutrition plan and get a game plan for attacking that. I would also like to get a couple of workouts in with a day or two break between them before I start working out every day. So my target start date for the full program is either February 11th or 18th. I want to start on a friday so my rest/stretch days fall on fridays, since those are the days I'm most likely to make plans right after work. If that happens, I would finish the 90 day program around the middle of May. My goal is to weigh 185 again...so I'm going to try to give weekly updates on this blog.